Oh, hai! I read books, then I write down what I think of them.
Oh, hai! I'm Dor, but you may also know me as Theo. I'm Welsh but I live in Ireland apart from the moments I'm living in the UK. I read books then I write down what I think of them. I have also been known to attempt writing the odd novel myself.
My scores are subject to my own whimsies and reflect my *personal* opinion of the book and how much I enjoyed it. Because I'm grumpy and hate pretty much everything, 3 stars means it was good. Very few books get 5 stars from me. Some books will get lower scores because they are being compared to better ones.
Most of my books come from the Library or have been purchased with monies. Where I've received an ARC, the review will clearly state this along with the source. Some reviews will be cross posted to Amazon UK and Goodreads.
My reviews are purely subjective but I try to say why I did and didn't like things. Your mileage will undoubtedly vary. Do not tell me how I was supposed to read the book. Do not explain to me why I'm wrong about something unless it's fact based. If you are the author, do not come here and thank me for my review, it's not for you and I don't want to know you've read it. If you are the author, do not send your minions here to have a go at me.
If you want to get in touch, missives sent to dorinthewall at gmail dot com should reach me. Otherwise, comment here.
If you want me to review your book, there are several steps.
1)Check my ARCs page. I quit alcohol and self-harm; I have not yet managed to quit NetGalley's request button. The fuller it is, the better your book is going to need to be for me to take it on.
2)Check my reviews. There's no point in asking me to review MG, hard SciFi or space opera, Romance, Epic Fantasy or Erotica: I don't read them. There's not much point in asking me to review YA, NA, Historical, Mystery, or Crime: I don't read them much.
3)Don't send me your book.
4)Send me a message which tells me a)about your book, b)why you think I'd like it, c)anything else pertinent to your request (such as the publication date, if you would like the review to be posted on a certain date) and d)actively confirms you understand how I review books (the information is contained on this blog, no I don't apologise for not giving you a direct link in this parenthesis)
5)Wait for me to get back to you. I reserve the right to delete messages without response - as long as you've followed the guidelines that won't happen: I will respond to all people who act like humans rather than spambots. I will also be checking you out to try and ascertain if you write the type of thing I'd enjoy before I commit to accepting an ARC.
If you have a question, again, comments or emails to the above address are fine.
Oh, and the kitten is called Wren.